Forest officials rescue pelicans
Feeding spots with fish for impacted birds have been set up on site,” Supriya Sahu, secretary, Environment and Forest Department, said in a social media post.

Forest department officials checking the bird (Photo: Manivasagan N)
CHENNAI: Even as the ecological situation in the Ennore estuary is yet to bounce back after the spill, State foresters are hoping that the bird life and marine life could be retrieved in the days to come.
An oil-drenched pelican
“Nice to see birds coming back to Ennore. Close to 2,000 birds were spotted today during a joint monitoring operation by TN Forest Dept and Besant Nagar Memorial Dispensary.
A spot-billed pelican sans the oil
Feeding spots with fish for impacted birds have been set up on site,” Supriya Sahu, secretary, Environment and Forest Department, said in a social media post. “Two more pelicans rescued today. Team is on ground continuously to look for affected birds.
Help from Dr Ashraf @wti-org-india is truly appreciated.
Forest department officials preparing it for a clean-up
A pelican being captured for treatment
Stressing on the need for long-term monitoring of fishes and birds, conservation scientist A Kumaraguru of Biodiversity Conservation Foundation, Tiruchy, said: “Central and state agencies like the zoological survey of India, Bombay Natural Historical society and TN fisheries and forest department should take monthly species-based census to monitor the ecological damage to marine and bird life.”