SRM IST to organise chemistry camp
The aim of the chemistry camp is to promote appreciation for chemistry by providing school students from diverse backgrounds an opportunity to explore practical chemistry and inspire them to pursue chemistry at university and further.

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CHENNAI: SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRM IST), Ramapuram Campus, Chennai and The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), India are organising a three-day Residential Yusuf Hamied Chemistry Camp for Grade IX students from August 3.
The aim of the chemistry camp is to promote appreciation for chemistry by providing school students from diverse backgrounds an opportunity to explore practical chemistry and inspire them to pursue chemistry at university and further. The chemistry camp is being organised as part of the RSC Yusuf Hamied Inspirational Science Programme hosted by the SRM IST and have over 70 students participating from around 26 Government Schools from in and around Chennai. Paul Lewis, COO of the RSC said: “It is inspiring to see our RSC India colleagues working together with members of the Indian education community, delivering this inspiring series of camps.”