TNPCB to check pollution levels of water bodies
A TNPCB official said that the district environment engineers have already been directed to collect samples of notified water bodies three days prior and during the immersion day

CHENNAI: In view of the Vinayaga Chaturthi celebrations, the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) has decided to test the pollution levels in water bodies before, during and after the idols are immersed. The festival, that begins on Monday, will conclude on the tenth day with the immersion of the Ganesh idol.
A TNPCB official said that the district environment engineers have already been directed to collect samples of notified water bodies three days prior and during the immersion day. The water samples will also be tested three days after the immersion.
“Every year, the water bodies are tested to ascertain the amount of pollution due to the immersion of Ganesh idols. Idols made of chemicals are banned in the state,” he said.
TNPCB has already issued guidelines urging the devotees to immerse idols made up of only natural, bio-degradable, eco-friendly raw materials without any toxic, inorganic raw materials such as traditional virtuous clay and mud as well as free from Plaster of Paris (PoP), plastic, and thermocol (polystyrene).
Usage of toxic, non-biodegradable chemical dyes/oil paints for painting idols are strictly prohibited. Enamel and synthetic dye based paints on idols should be discouraged and instead eco-friendly water-based, biodegradable and non-toxic natural dyes should be used. For beautification of idols, removable and washable decorative clothes made only with natural materials and natural dyes shall be used in place of disposable material containing paints and other toxic chemicals.
The board also requested the devotees to immerse the idols only in the places notified for each district by the district administrations.