Traffic restriction on Gandhi-Irwin bridge from Saturday night

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CHENNAI: In order to facilitate the Highway Department for construction of the culvert work at Gandhi Irwin Bridge junction (north Side) of EVR Salai, modifications are made on the existing traffic pattern.
The diversions will come into force with effect from Saturday 10.00 pm Monday 5 am. The traffic modifications are as follows:
There will be no restriction to ply on EVR Salai from Central and EVK Sampath Road junction towards Egmore via Gandhi Irwin Bridge.
Vehicles coming from LG Roundana towards Gandhi Irwin Bridge Road will not be allowed to proceed to EVR Salai and will only be allowed to take left turn at the signal (Gandhi Irwin Bridge) towards Egmore Railway station and Whannels Road.
Those vehicles diverted at Gandhi Irwin Bridge (Top) Junction will proceed towards Gandhi Irwin Road, Udipi Point and take right turn towards Dr Nair Bridge and EVR Salai to reach their destination.