Erratic distribution of papers hits evaluation in TU
There have also been complaints that some centres asked teachers to come and correct the papers whenever they are called and a few others forced evaluators to complete the job within a specific time.

Thiruvalluvar University
VELLORE: The Thiruvalluvar University (TU) is facing charges of uneven distribution of answer scripts to valuation centres and the process has resulted in lopsided valuation.
There have also been complaints that some centres asked teachers to come and correct the papers whenever they are called and a few others forced evaluators to complete the job within a specific time.
TUCC (Thiruvalluvar University Coordination Council) chairman G Elango and secretary K Antony Baskaran in a letter sent to the university VC T Arumugam with copies to the registrar and exam controller stated that varsity officials were not taking valuation of answer scripts seriously.
They added that though the exam controller promised that he would not allow correction of 40/50 answer scripts by an individual valuer a day, the situation in the ground was not so as teachers were asked to value 100 scripts at the Tirupattur centre on Saturday and Sunday, while in Tiruvannamalai teachers were asked to value 100 scripts in a single day on Monday. Elaborating on this, Elango told DT Next, “if an answer script consists of 20 pages minimum, it will work to 2000 pages for 100 scripts. Such a load will be a humongous job for a teacher resulting in poor quality of work affecting the marks and future of students.”
“When only 30 scripts are corrected in class 10 exams and 24 scripts per day in class 12 exams, it is utterly unethical to pressure college teachers to evaluate up to 100 scripts in a day, Antony Baskaran added.
The letter also stated that examiners were asked to sign and enter false dates on answer scripts which they said, “was unethical, dishonest and unprofessional rendering injustice to the students.” A warning has also been issued that those found of wrongdoings will be legally handled if such a trend continued, officials said.