Govt urged to procure unsold silk sarees worth Rs 102 crore
They said that the State government should purchase the entire stocks without conditions and sell them through Co-Optex with a rebate of 30 percent.

Thirubuvanam weavers staging a protest on Wednesday
TIRUCHY: Demanding the State government to procure the unsold stocks worth Rs 102 crore, the members of THICO weavers unions staged a protest at Thirubuvanam in Thanjavur on Wednesday.
The members from weavers’ unions belonging to CITU, AITUC and TMC assembled in front of the Handloom Department Assistant Director’s office at Thirubuvanam industrial park, claimed that the silk sarees worth Rs 102 crore have been unsold in the society.
They said that the State government should purchase the entire stocks without conditions and sell them through Co-Optex with a rebate of 30 percent. They said that they have been demanding this issue for several years but the government failed to pay attention to their appeals. They claimed that the purchase of the stocks by the government would help several thousands of weavers depending on the society.
They also demanded to appoint a permanent Managing Director for THICO silks which would help the members in solving their issues on time. The officials visited them and held talks with the agitating weavers.