Hindus celebrate Muharram in Thanjavur village
The Hindus from Kasavalavanadu Puthur village near Thanjavur have been celebrating Muharram for more than 300 years

A Hindu family welcoming an ‘Allah Samy’ during Muharram in Kasavalavanadu Puthur village in Thanjavur on Wednesday
TIRUCHY: Setting an example for religious harmony, the Hindus in a village in Thanjavur celebrate Muharram festival and perform a fire walk as a veneration to the ‘Allah Samy’ on Wednesday which has been traditionally celebrated for more than 300 years.
The Hindus from Kasavalavanadu Puthur village near Thanjavur have been celebrating Muharram for more than 300 years. As a part of the celebration, these residents used to observe fasting for 10 days and take the ‘Allah samy’ image to the Chavadi at Sengarai by procession and perform special poojas by placing the samy at a pandal. They also recited Fatiha to commemorate the festival.
On Tuesday night, the Allah Samy was taken in procession as a form of veedhi ula and each household welcomed the Samy and offered panagam, rice flakes, coconut, fruits and halwa and each family offered lemon garland and silk cloth to Allah Samy.
On Wednesday morning, the devotees who carried the Allah Samy by procession performed a fire walk to fulfil the vows. Many women too followed the men on the fire walk.
According to legendary tales, the villagers got a metal hand while digging a tank at Puthur village, which they considered it as the ‘hand of Allah’ and then on they started celebrating Muharram.
As time passed, the Muslims from the adjacent villages joined the Hindus in celebrating the festival, which has been the annual feast in the village. The Muslims even exchange gifts with their Hindu brethren.