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    Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu to conduct CM's Games Trophy in Sept, Oct

    The last date for registration has been pushed to September 2 from August 25.

    Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu to conduct CMs Games Trophy in Sept, Oct

    Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu (SDAT)

    CHENNAI: To encourage persons of all ages to participate in sports events, the Sports Development Authority of Tamil Nadu (SDAT) will be conducting the Chief Minister's Games Trophy 2024 in September and October months. For the registration of these events, the deadline has been extended till September 2.

    As per SDAT, the department has allotted a prize money of Rs 37 crore for 2024-25 and, across the State, 27 games will be held in Chief Minister's Trophy in 5 categories of school, college students and for differently-abled persons, public and government employees.

    57 categories of district, regional and state level games are also to be held in the coming months of September and October.

    As, pre-registration is vital for the participation, the candidates can apply for the events relevant documents through the website

    The sports competitions will be held from all over the State for school students between 12 years to 19 years, college students between 17 years to 25 years, for the public between 15 years to 35 years.

    Differently-abled persons and State government employees have no age limit. The last date for registration has been pushed to September 2 from August 25.

    The prize money is as follows; the first prize of Rs 3000 and the second prize for the district level winners Rs 2000 and third prize is Rs1000 for winning individual competitions at the state level.

    Under the individual category, Rs one lakh is announced for first prize in individual category, Rs 75, 000 for the second prize and Rs 50,000 for the third prize.

    Subsequently, for the team events, the first prize is Rs 75,000, second prize is Rs 50,000 and third prize is Rs 25,000.

    For the first time, SDAT has announced a cash prize equal to third prize.

    DTNEXT Bureau
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