Baloch community calls for release of missing individuals ahead of Eid-ul-Adha
Balochistan activists demand justice and the return of missing individuals before Eid-ul-Adha, amplifying their plea on social media.

Baloch families raise voices against abductions (Photo/X@BalochYakjehtiC)
BOLOCHISTAN: The Balochistan community called for the release of missing individuals ahead of Eid-ul-Adha, with their absence casting a shadow over holiday preparations.
The community stands united in demanding justice and the immediate return of their loved ones, led by impassioned activists shedding light on their plight.
On social media, hashtags like 'This Eid Ask For Release' and 'Release All Missing Persons' are gaining traction.
Baloch Voice For Justice took to X, expressing the pain of families affected by disappearances.
Taking to X, Baloch Voice For Justice said, "No Eid for missing persons' families'".
No EidFor missing persons Families #ThisEidAskForRelease #ReleaseAllMissingPersons
— Baloch Voice For Justice (@BalochV4Justice) June 13, 2024
Baloch Voice for Justice also brought attention to Kabeer Baloch, who has been reportedly missing for the past 15 years.
BVJ stated, "For the last fifteen years Eids have passed without Kabeer, will this Eid also pass without Kabeer in tears and sobs?"
پچھلے پندرہ سالوں سے عیدیں کبیر کے بغیر گزری ہیں، کیا یہ عید بھی کبیر کے بغیر آنسوؤں اور سسکیوں میں گزرے گی؟#ThisEidAskForRelease #ReleaseAllMissingPersons
— Baloch Voice For Justice (@BalochV4Justice) June 13, 2024
Another Baloch activist Zara Baloch wrote, "Enforced disappearances are the story of every other home in Balochistan, which is a bitter reality of the ongoing crisis of human rights. For the end of these stories, it is necessary that resistance will continue with the system of repression"
جبری گمشدگیاں بلوچستان کے ہر دوسرے گھر کی کہانی ہے جو انسانی حقوق کے جاری اس بحران کی ایک تلخ حقیقت ہے ان کہانیوں کے اختتام کے لئے ضروری ہے کہ جبر کے نظام کے ساتھ مزاحمت کا تسلسل بھی جاری رہے گا۔
— Zara baloch (@Zara_Baloch26) June 13, 2024
In solidarity with these efforts, numerous other activists and human rights defenders have joined the chorus, amplifying the call for accountability and change.
Journalist Mehwish Qamas Khan encapsulated the urgency of the situation, urging individuals to raise their voices and take action.
آواز اٹھائے۔ آپکی ایک ٹویٹ کسی کی زندگی بدل سکتی ہے۔ #ThisEidAskForRelease#ReleaseAllMissingPersons
— Mehwish Qamas Khan (@MehwishQamas) June 13, 2024
Despite the challenges and risks involved, the Balochistan community remains steadfast in their pursuit of justice and the safe return of their missing loved ones.
Their resilience in the face of adversity serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring strength and determination of the Baloch people.