Showing results for "#Biden administration"
Middle-east quagmire: Israel: Ceasefire, get hostages, leave Gaza
Israel would need to fight this war with the least collateral damage for Palestinian civilians and accompany it with a political horizon for a new...
US borders "most unsafe" in world history: Donald slams Biden...
On the other hand, the officials of President Joe Biden's campaign have outrightly slammed the policies, calling them "unAmerican
US lawmakers ask Biden administration to withhold assistance to...
The lawmakers requested a legal determination from the Department of State under the "Leahy Laws" and Section 502(b) of the Foreign Assistance Act to...
Biden admin proposes changes in H-1B visa programme to improve...
The H-1B visa is a non-immigrant visa that allows U.S. companies to employ foreign workers in speciality occupations that require theoretical or...
US approves funding for first-ever transfer of military equipment to...
According to CNN, the newest development in continued US support for Taiwan is likely to anger China, which claims the self-governing island as its...
US to provide $200mn worth of military equipment to Ukraine
In a press release containing a detailed list of equipment to be sent to Ukraine, the Pentagon said this is the 44th tranche of equipment for Ukraine...
Google, OpenAI collab with Biden administration for cybersecurity...
The administration of US President Joe Biden is collaborating with four leading artificial intelligence (AI) companies -- Google, OpenAI, Microsoft,...
Facing the music: Terrible fallout of Trump’s prosecution
The unseemliness of the prosecution will likely grow if the Biden campaign or its proxies uses it as a weapon against Trump if he is nominated.