Showing results for "#BP"
Daily pill with 3 low-dose drugs more effective in lowering BP, finds...
It is estimated that over a billion adults live with hypertension worldwide, with two-thirds living in low- and middle-income countries.
Fluctuating BP a warning sign for dementia, heart disease: Study
Short blood pressure (BP) fluctuations within 24 hours as well as over several days or weeks are linked with impaired cognition, according to...
How high BP impacts multiple organs and what low BP tells us
BP, or blood pressure, plays a crucial role in maintaining the proper functioning of our body's organs.
Monitoring BP regularly crucial for preventing health risks
The prevalence of hypertension is influenced by various factors, including age, genetics, lifestyle choices, and underlying health conditions.
Long hours at a desk job linked to hidden high blood pressure
Expert suspects that the increased risk of hypertension might be related to long hours sitting and certainly, it’s possible that people who work long...
Pregnant women with high BP at greater heart disease risk
Women with high blood pressure in their first pregnancy have a greater risk of heart attack or cardiovascular death, researchers have warned.
Even damaged livers can handle medicines for diabetes, BP
The findings, published in the journal Drug Metabolism and Disposition, suggests that doctors need not always make patients with drug-induced liver...
Excess of Aldosterone hormone common cause of high BP
Primary aldosteronism is a condition where the adrenal glands produce too much of the hormone aldosterone, which causes high blood pressure and...