Showing results for "#DPH"
Union government's health scheme for kids a hit in Tamil Nadu
Claims a DPH study about the Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) programme, which is a hit in Tamil Nadu due to its novel approach to child health...
Hypertension, Diabetes: Revised treatment protocol distributed among...
The officials from the Directorate of Public Health and Preventive noted that there is no proper adherence to treatment protocols during field...
TN rains: Health officers to undertake measures to tackle public...
Instructions to ensure adequate healthcare personnel and medicines were issued last month as well during heavy rains and have been re-issued after the...
Over 55% of acute diarrhoeal diseases reported among women: TN DPH...
The study further stated that it indicated consumption of unsafe water, especially in workplaces where water sanitation may be compromised, poor...
Health officers to ensure adequate facilities for antenatal mothers...
District Health Officers have been instructed to assess and re-assess the pregnant women periodically.
At least 48.3 percent adolescents in TN are anaemic, finds DPH study
The data which provides breakup as per district, gender, and severity found that 6 percent of female adolescents in Tiruvallur were severely anaemic,...
Chennai rains: DPH instructs to provide doxycycline tablets for those...
Based on the weather forecast predicted very heavy to extremely heavy rainfall in Tamil Nadu, where necessary instructions have been provided to the...
DPH directs district health officers to ensure "May I Help You"...
The counter will also have a computer with internet connectivity for generating outpatient chits and accessing patient records.