Showing results for "#Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister."
Man hacks to death 8 members of his family in MP's Chhindwara; later...
The incident took place at around 2.30 am in Bodal Kachhar village and the reason behind it was not yet clear, they said.
'Was deeply disturbed, pained...': MP CM Chouhan washes feet of...
Chouhan also apologized to the victim for the incident and said that he was deeply disturbed and filled with pain after seeing the video.
Objectionable posters of Kamal Nath put up at Bhopal market
Kamal Nath's media advisor Piyush Babele said it was done on the behest of the state's BJP government
Nadda to attend special screening of 'The Kerala Story' in Bengaluru
Earlier, while addressing a rally in poll-bound Karnataka, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that 'The Kerala Story' movie is based on a terror...
Editorial: Of committees to protect ‘endangered’ species
Every once in a while, those at the helm of running this nation of ours take decisions, that makes citizens question whether politicians have their...
'Rahul Gandhi should answer': CM Chouhan slams Cong's Raja Pateria
Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Monday condemned Congress leader Raja Pateria's alleged 'Kill Modi' remark. CM Chouhan told...
Former PM Vajpayee's grand memorial to be built in Gwalior: Chouhan
He was speaking on Sunday at the 'Gwalior Gaurav Diwas' function to mark the late leader's 98th birth anniversary.
Guyana Prez meets Agriculture minister Narendra Singh Tomar
During his India visit, the Guyanese President attended several programmes in Agra, Kanpur, Bengaluru and Mumbai.