Showing results for "#marijuana"
7 fatally shot at illegal California marijuana growing site
Seven people were found fatally shot at an illegal marijuana growing operation in rural Southern California, authorities said.
New York moves closer to legalising marijuana as state Senate passes...
New York lawmakers passed a bill late on Tuesday to legalise adult use of marijuana, making it the 15th state in the United States to allow...
Can marijuana use lead to poorer Covid-19 outcomes?
While diabetes, obesity and a history of smoking cigarettes are considered as risk factors for poorer Covid-19 outcomes, a new study claims that...
Activists seek to legalise marijuana farming in former hippie haven...
Widely available marijuana once drew thousands of hippies to Nepal, where its use was not only accepted but embedded in both the culture and religion.
Sale of illegal items on Amazon continuing, police seized 48 kg...
Even after being caught for selling over 20 kg marijuana by the Bhind police in Madhya Pradesh and for the sale of banned chemicals used in making the...
Reporter's dairy: Trolling tries to weaken pledge against drug use
These posts are shared with memes, sarcastic captions and troll comments across several social media platforms.
People who use cannabis prone to consume nicotine products: Study
The researchers surveyed 697 patients between ages 18 and 89 at a medical marijuana dispensary on their nicotine and cannabis use.
10 people wounded in Florida mass shooting
According to ABC, the police responded to calls of a shooting at a location near Iowa Avenue North and Plum Street at 3.43 pm.