Showing results for "#Mobile Phone"
Mobile phone manufacturing up 1,700% in last 10 yrs, exports up...
The strategy to reach the $300 billion production of electronics from the current level of about $75 billion is built on broadening and deepening...
Woman arrested for availed loans using other people's personal details
The woman collected all the details of his wife and took a copy of Aadhar, Pan, and other proofs with her
2 lose over Rs 50,000 in separate incidents of phishing in Puzhal
According to the ploice, the victims Abdul Latheef and Raj Kumar lost Rs 44,000 and Rs 10,000 respectively.
10 held for phone, bike thefts in city
From November 12 to November 18, special teams headed by inspectors detected six mobile phone snatching and arrested eight persons
College students snatch guest worker's mobile phone
The cops seized their two-wheeler. The police, after registering a case, arrested the students and remanded them to judicial custody.
Pvt bus driver found speaking on mobile while driving fined; licence...
He was speaking on his mobile phone placed between his shoulder and ear and the conversation continued non-stop even when changing gears.
Rs 10.41 damages: Insurance shocker for Ranipet ryots
The insurance amount I received is not even half the premium of Rs 1,827 I paid,” said Malini, who lost her crops in 3.72 acres of farmland at...
Thanjai woman killed as mobile phone explodes while charging in...
On Wednesday, Gokila was speaking on the mobile while charging and the mobile phone by using an earpiece. Suddenly, the mobile phone had reportedly...