Showing results for "##Neurology"
Anti-acidity medications linked to a high risk of migraine, says...
In people who are suffering from migraines or other severe headaches, and are taking PPIs or H2RAs
Study uses sleep, energy, and moods to predict migraine headaches
The researchers, however, found that neither anxious nor depressed moods were associated with headache attacks
Addressing health, lifestyle variables might minimise the risk of...
Little research has been done on young-onset dementia, though globally there are around 370,000 new cases of young-onset dementia each year.
Addressing health, lifestyle variables might minimise the risk of...
The large-scale study identified 15 risk factors, which are similar to those for late-onset dementia
Midlife blood test may predict cognitive decline, Alzheimer's later:...
The researchers chose midlife as a "pivotal period" to test for and identify cognitive decline due to menopausal transition
Pre-existing Alzheimer's can raise risk of severe Covid infection:...
LONDON: The impact of Covid-19 infection on individuals with pre-existing conditions such as Alzheimer's disease (AD) could be severe, according...
Tai chi may curb Parkinson's symptoms, complications: Study
The study monitored two groups of patients with Parkinson's disease for more than five years from January 2016 to June 2021
Adults with ADHD are at higher risk of getting dementia: Research
The study, coauthored by Michal Schnaider Beeri, director of the Herbert and Jacqueline Krieger Klein Alzheimer's Research Center at Rutgers Brain...