Thank you for the tennis
The latter have managed to nudge past Federer in terms of Grand Slam titles, but this hasn’t quite settled the debate about who is the greatest player...
Schooling with sensitivity
It was in 2007 that corporal punishment was banned in schools in Tamil Nadu.
Targeted attack on terror
The successor to Osama bin Laden was taken out by a “precisely tailored” missile strike as he was sitting on the balcony of his VIP-area home, clearly...
Greased palms and dirty money
The complainant had reached out to the DVAC, Kancheepuram detachment which caught the officer red-handed when he reiterated the demand to process the...
Standing up to Big Tech
First released in 1995 as part of an add-on package for Windows 95, the IE browser was the gateway to the internet for a majority of those (95% of...
Chess Olympiad: A game of pawns
Considering an event of this magnitude, the Tamil Nadu government has spared no expenses and left no stone unturned in order to make the Olympiad a...
A democracy on life support
Panahi’s arrest was carried out without due process, just because he was protesting outside the jail, an act many observers termed as akin to...
Targeting trillion dollar dream
The cumulative investment resultant from this drive is pegged at Rs 1.25 lakh crore with a potential of creating 75,000 new jobs across the State.