How do volcanic smoke rings form? New clues in the vapour
Now researchers have found new clues about how bursting gas bubbles create these curiosities in some volcanoes.
Righting the wrongs: Humanity is facing a great injustice
For several years, the issue of climate financing took a back seat to the World Bank’s twin goals of reducing extreme poverty and promoting shared...
It’s not a stretch: This dinosaur had a 50-foot neck
Researchers named the dinosaur Mamenchisaurus sinocanadorum and connected it to several other long-necked sauropods from East Asia. But...
How big of a betrayal is the Willow oil project?
To reach ambitious climate goals equitably, fossil fuel production in the world’s rich countries had to be phased out entirely by 2034. The Willow...
New moon suit for NASA’s Artemis astronauts unveiled
The approach follows the template NASA used in hiring Elon Musk’s company SpaceX to get astronauts to and from the International Space Station, and to...
Venture capitalists scripted SVB’s fall
SVB, in turn, assessed its clients’ creditworthiness in part by who their funders were. As my colleagues and I saw, an investment from a top tier V.C....
‘Brayers’ answered: At long last, a donkey family tree
Donkeys and donkey work are essential to the livelihoods of people in developing countries, but elsewhere donkeys have all but disappeared.
The book thief Why would someone steal unpublished manuscripts?
Bernardini told Judge Colleen McMahon of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York that his scheme began after a literary agency...