Bird brained: Cockatoos know how to pick the right tools for the job
Dr. Auersperg and other researchers showed the innateness of this curiosity in 2021, when they reported that wild Goffin’s cockatoos use tools.
The shift: Bing just made internet searches interesting again
Microsoft released the new Bing, which is powered by artificial intelligence software from OpenAI, the maker of the popular chatbot ChatGPT, with...
Food fantastic: Mushrooms aren’t here to destroy us — or to save us
In nature, mushrooms happily appear under the grossest and most fractious circumstances, when little else will.
Erosion of values: When a democracy jettisons freedom
It is difficult to believe that just over a decade ago, Nehru’s dream seemed alive — more than a billion people lived in relative harmony, cheek by...
Health scare: A deadlier pandemic could soon be here
The best defence against a new deadly pathogen is aggressively suppressing early outbreaks, which first requires detecting them quickly. But, avian...
Cookie crumbles: Unravelling of a rise intertwined with India’s
The tycoon often said the Adani Group’s goals were in lock step with India’s needs. Now, the company’s fortunes are crashing, a collapse whose pain...
Why do bears rub against trees? New explanations are here
Agnieszka Sergiel, a bear biologist at the Polish Academy of Sciences and an author of the study published last month in the Journal of Zoology, said...
Defining features: In the age of AI, major in being human
The artwork looks cool at first glance, but after a second it feels kind of lifeless.