Leadership concerns: Will Mexico be the next Venezuela?
Another called the column “shockingly ignorant.” Let me recant. AMLO isn’t just another version of Trump. He’s worse, thanks to being a more effective...
Celestial phenomena: The mysterious comets that hide in asteroid belt
During three observation runs from 2018 through 2020, they watched 534 different asteroids, looking for signs of a comet’s coma — its ephemeral gassy...
Hemp-fed cows get buzzed, but who will drink their milk?
Compared with cows that received the usual diet of corn and hay, the hemp-fed Holsteins were more chilled out, salivated and yawned more often, and...
Coming soon: A carbon surveillance state
Removing borders from our model of carbon emissions doesn’t just draw attention to polluting sites and industries, as the Trace satellite data...
The blue exodus: How to prepare for life after Twitter
First, it is important to understand what is happening at Twitter.
Time is running out for the leap second
To the world’s timekeepers, the leap second is a kludge, a bane, a pain in the little hand. Now they’re proposing to ditch it
Marie Kondo takes on a new role: Life coach
In a Zoom call, Kondo recently explained that the word kurashi conveys the comfort and serenity of day-to-day routines more than its English-language...
Japan still depends on nuclear power
The most severe nuclear accident since Chernobyl sparked a new wave of anti-nuclear sentiment and most of the country’s nuclear plants were taken...