Tarot: On the cards

Do you find 111 on your phone lock screen? Or do you keep see- ing numbers in sequence? Then angels are around you.

Update:2023-08-27 07:00 IST


Do not let your thoughts determine your day. So ensure to avoid self-limiting and gloomy thoughts. The Seven of Swords shows that you tend to allow your thoughts to run along with you. The Three of Swords tells you to avoid making emotional decisions. Be clear and even though you could feel many things, the decision has to be with clinical coldness.


Trust in your Guru, if you have one, or your higher self that will guide you to walk on the right path. The Hierophant shows that you have the presence of such a divine being, who is guiding, guarding and leading you to the right things. Family life, your personal desires and wishes will feel like they are fulfilled. All this will keep you on top of things. You will be in a commanding position.


There are plans and those that are in your mind will show up in about four months’ time. The Four of Swords shows that you are now in a resting place where you are allowing things to take time to bloom. Indeed a right approach, as the fruits of patience are sweet. The Six of Wands shows how the youngsters are forging ahead with their plans. This will also bring emotional satisfaction.


It is time for financial abundance. The Nine of Pentacles shows your command over money. You will be doing well and this will continue for many days to come. The King of Wands suggests the support and presence of a strong individual who is not just ambitious, but also someone who will help and show you many ways to increase the money power. But do remember, there will be challenges.

LEO (23 JULY - 23 AUGUST) 

You are feeling a bit claustrophobic and tied down. But, this is self-inflicted, so it is up to you to free yourself. The Eight of Swords shows how your mind is taking you in this direction. Yet, the Queen of Pentacles indicates that you are in control of most things- money, people and your own desires. If you approach everything like a battle, then it will be.


Youngsters dominate your life right now, especially their careers and directions in life. The Knight of Wands shows there is ambition and drive all around and this will infect you. There is nothing to worry about when it comes to money. The Five of Pentacles indicates that there is a tendency to keep thinking you don’t have enough. Don’t let that become a reality. Children will bring joy with all that they do. Enjoy this phase.


A wavering mind that oscillates between options, will make you tired and disinterested. Any decision needs consistency and sticking to it no matter what comes your way. The Two of Swords shows this aspect right now.. The High Priestess indicates you have the goddess of learning and hence be confident that you are guided to do the right thing. However, do look at options the universe offers you. It could be jobs or emotional support.


There is a restlessness and slight unhappiness about some things in your life now. The Eight of Cups shows that you are internally trying to withdraw and go away to avoid addressing some issues in your life. But, the truth is that things are fine as the nine of cups suggests. Ultimately it has to do with attitude and the way you deal with things. All is good.


The week ahead is a good. The Ace of Wands shows ambition, success, and great drive at work. Also, the universe is supporting you all the way, so make sure these days count for yourself. The Ten of Pentacles shows money and abundance. You will be in command when it comes to financial matters. You are clear and this will help you to move forward in any area with complete confidence.


Be sure jus- tice is on your side, especially if there are difficult situations you are dealing with. However, justice is delayed not denied. So patience and faith are needed. The Justice card says you should be clear and focused on whatever you are pursuing. The Queen of Swords indicates that you are strong and on top of things. Put yourself into an abundance space, especially in your thoughts.


Strong male energies command over your life. The Emperor shows that you are dominated by such energies, not that you are complaining. This makes you feel life is easier with someone else in command. The Page of Pentacles indicates the interest of the youngsters and their progress. You could also get involved with new ventures connected with them. However, you tie yourself up with conflicting thoughts. So keep a lid on these.


The tendency will be to feel care- free and do things where you could throw caution to the winds. While this is admirable, you need to avoid making impulsive decisions. Basically, watch what you do and where you go. The Two of Cups shows pleasant times with spouses, partners and important people in your life. There is the guidance of the higher forces and you will learn many things as you go along.


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