Tarot: On the cards

This week we have some random numbers for different issues. Use as applicable and ensure you chant them or write them as many times as possible;

Update:2023-11-19 07:30 IST
Tarot: On the cards
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The Ace of Pentacles suggests success, abundance and money power bestowed upon you. If you have been waiting for things to fall into place money wise, then it is likely to happen. Many opportunities are coming on the way. The Queen of Cups shows that you could feel snowed under and emotional. The prosperity part may or may not make you feel better. Let go of things and be carefree. Just go with the flow.


Be assured that things are going in the right direction. The Justice card tells you that whatever happening is what is already intended. The Death card shows big changes in your life and it is mostly to do with money. The card also indicates that what and how you have been living all this while is about to change – it could be unsettling but this happens for your highest good.


The King of Pentacles shows money coming in as you are in a good position. It could be investments made long back, family inheritance or any other source that comes like a surprise. It could also show the presence of an investor if in business. The Star card brings limelight and attention to you. You are an inspiration for others. However, it could make you feel alone in a crowd. You are guided by the higher forces.


It is a battle mode right now as you fight to get what you want. The Five of Swords shows that you are doing things in an aggressive manner that makes other feel wary of you. The idea is to get what you want without raising too many hackles. The Knight of Pentacles indicates the presence of a youngster, who will bring fresh energies and money power. However, it is a complicated process requiring very skillful negotiations.


Your thoughts are mostly revolving around those you are invested in like children and youngsters, who work with clarity and sharpness. The Page of Swords shows that all these elements come into play. And that leads to the Ten of Pentacles where you could feel that hard work and drive bring about the results of monetary benefits. This is most likely as there is an influx of money and wealth.


While you are on top of things when it comes to work, you are ready to pursue it in a strong manner that could be perceived as aggressive and offensive. The Queen of Wands suggests strength of purpose and loyalty to goals. The Knight of Swords reflects your determination regardless of how you are perceived, and your work will mainly be with the youngsters. While you can do many things, ensure you take one at a time.


Smart as well as hard working should be your mantra in the coming days. The Eight of Pentacles suggests that the effort you put in will result in monetary benefits. The Magician card is a confirmation that everything is within your reach, so ensure you approach and do things with wisdom and clarity. It also means all the opportunities are out there for you to follow up and make it your own.


Learning and studying are your life priorities now. It need not be formal education, but life lessons. The High Priestess is also to do with being aware of knowledge and what constitutes things that are for your highest good. The Ten of Swords indicates frustration and a feeling of being pinned down by circumstances. Put it aside and work on your passions and focus on things you are interested in.


This is a week of ambitions, drive and passion towards what kind of work you do. The Eight of Wands shows multiple interests and the zeal to do all of them. but it is important you choose one to pursue. The Queen of Wands suggests you are under the influence of strong women who know what they want. This can be a blessing as well as a bane. Make the best of what you are given.


The Nine of Cups shows a sense of fulfilment– emotionally and that can also mean you are in a good position in life right now. The Two of Wands suggests international travel and collaborations that can benefit you greatly. The best thing to do now is go with the flow. It also looks like now you have everything within you to make the best of your life. Use all your skills to aim for the best.


When it comes to ambitions, nothing is too little for you to pursue. You are someone who wants to do something all the time. The Ace of Wands ensures that you should pursue things that will most likely be yours. You are extremely particular about what you want so you will tend to miss the other opportunities on your way. You won’t be able to see the value in all of them. Keep your cool.


Good relationships, partnerships are the ongoing things in your life now. The Two of Cups shows goodness and emotional fulfillment when it comes to those important to you- could be family, significant partners. The Two of Pentacles shows that worry whether you have enough to be able to do it all. There is no need to think this way as you are financially on top of things and even have enough to help and nurture others around.


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