Tarot: On the cards

Our Tarot reader brings you what the stars have in store for your zodiac signs this week (MAY 27-JUNE 2)

Update:2024-05-26 07:22 IST

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It is a season of changes major ones ahead. The Tower card shows that these changes could allude to change in residence, place, country or even in the way you live. While it is a bit unsettling, this is needed for progress. The Wheel of Fortune therefore is a relief that all these changes are the harbinger of good things. There could be the arrival of a new being into your life, or your children, if any, will do very well.


The Page of Wands suggests visits by someone close to you and the progress they are making in their professional life. It also shows the person to be a creative driven individual, who will do very well in the professional life. This could be anyone close to you- children too. The Ace of Wands comes as a complementary card that endorses the hard work and creativity, and also that the rewards of all this will be success and recognition.


The week ahead looks good with most things in place- finances, command, being at the top of things, and an amicable home life with members being in sync. The Ace of Pentacles shows financial stability and more to come. It also brings in opportunities that will be monetarily supported. The Queen of Swords shows your strong position at most forums and that will be an added plus. Your personal life will be rife with happy instances.


All around you, there are signs of things being the way it should be. The World card shows that almost all is well in your world, and that you are in a good space when it comes to the most essential things in life. People around you and you too work hard at what you do, to ensure that all the hard work pays off in terms of doing one’s duty. And that is shown by the Eight of Pentacles.


The King of Cups indicates the guidance from a strong male individual, who will provide you the tools to go ahead on your path. The King also shows that this could be you with a lot of male characteristics with such strength and emotional stability. The Knight of Swords shows that there is a person in your life who is working hard to make something out of his/her life. That said, you feel frustrated with things moving very slowly.


The Seven of Swords shows the weight of your thoughts, and how much you would like to run from it. You also want to remove yourself from the crowd as much as possible as you are unable to deal with the kind of questions people have about your life. However, the Queen of Pentacles shows that the women in your life are handling things well. However, all this does not take away from the tricky situation you are in right now.


All that you do is well thought out. There is no place for emotions because you know that what has to be done, has to be done, as the Three of Swords indicates. There is no point in getting emotional and making decisions based on that. This is also because you do have a tendency to get worked up and get snowed under your own emotions as the Queen of Cups suggests. So it is good to have a bit of a head over heart mindset. 20 APRIL — 21 MAY


Sometimes it is good to take a step back, be a bit carefree, and go on journeys that satisfy the soul. The Fool card is saying this to you at this point when you could be overwhelmed with too many things. Lighten your burden and go exploring. However, do this with a bit of thought, so that you don’t land in some trouble. The Ace of Cups indicates a period of emotional well-being and you somehow rise above everything to keep the faith.


What you could do for yourself now is to keep your emotions under control. The Temperance card asks you to keep going. You could be feeling overwhelmed and emotional too. The Knight of Wands shows someone you care about deeply is doing well to your delight, and you are happy that this is happening for your sake as well as for theirs. Meanwhile there is so much potential to be a star and you have to find that road to great success.


If there are plans in your head for expansion and progress, know that it will take about four to five months to show results. The Four of Swords shows that you are in that stage of gestation, when you may not share your plans with others, but are keeping it within yourself so that you can spring it on others when the time comes. The Eight of Wands shows an ambitious person who is indeed very talented. Try not to multitask.


Being guided by the more experienced people in your life is a big blessing as The Emperor card suggests. The Emperor is someone who is so strong and supportive, that you will find it easier to navigate through difficult situations. The Star card shows that you will be in the limelight, and also get a lot of attention for the work you do. Not just strong male energies, you are also surrounded by strong nurturing female energies that provide support.


You could be preoccupied with the younger lot in your life. Or this could be you going on explorative journeys and work opportunities. The Knight of Pentacles shows that you are invested in them, and that is what drives your days. The Sun card is complementary to all this as the young ones will do very well. There is a chance that there are likely to be additions to the family and something that brings sunshine into your lives.


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