Tarot: On the cards

Update:2024-08-18 06:00 IST


Two things- the Four of Cups and the Knight of Swords indicate that you either cannot see help or opportunities as they come to you or you think they are not worth your time and energy. Don’t ignore anything that comes your way. You also seem to feel that life is a battle to be won but it is not so. If you do think that then situations will come about that will feel like something you need to fight for.


The Hermit shows that you could be feeling isolated. It is better to be alone than to be stuck in a crowd that is not your scene. The Divine always protects you through the days. You either have or need the presence of a strong male, who can help you navigate through life better. Two heads are better than one as indicated by the King of Swords. You also want major changes in your life to go one step above.


Queen of Swords indicates strong and clear-headed qualities. It shows a person who is sure about actions and goals to be fulfilled. This could be you or someone in your life who is well-guided. The Page of Swords then shows the influence of such a person on the younger people who apply it to their lives. This combination ensures that things are sorted and done well. Ambitions are plenty and concentrating on one will help in the long run.


Too many thoughts and some debilitating can be your undoing. You don’t know how to get out of situations which leads to wanting to disappear and not have to deal with the difficulties of expectations. The Seven of Swords is indicative of that while the Ten of Swords shows the extent of frustrations. The more you feel like this, the more it will weigh you down. So let it all go. A shot of abundance is the key to your issues.


Currently, the Five of Wands shows hostility, discomfort and arguments, and not all of it is obvious. It is not tough to let things go and not think too much about the differences between people you interact with. The Three of Cups indicates good times and celebrations. However, all this is laced with frustrations and feeling trapped in certain situations. It’s best to turn away from all negativity and criticism or anything that you don’t want to hear.


The Chariot shows journeys and things being in the right place and direction. You are on a path that brings in new experiences. Right now, all the children and the youngsters in the family are in a good space too with some of them shining bright as the Sun card says. You can be proud of them. But everything is not perfect, and you will tie yourself up with frustrating feelings and thoughts. And this can take away all the good things around you.


It is a time of abundance as the Ten of Pentacles is showing. This gives you security and a sense of well-being that is important for overall health and happiness. You also feel you have to fight for many things to happen in your life in areas of work and relationships. That makes you a tad aggressive. And this is indicated by the Five of Swords. Be easy and everything will fall into place in a few months.


Being tied to things and people you care for and also frustrated with, cannot be easy. You are unable to decide whether they are bonds or bindings that can suffocate your spirit. The Devil is indicative of that and the Ten of Cups shows a happy family life and most things going your way. There is some degree of harmony in and around you so you are okay with all of that. You long for changes and that is going to happen soon.


You are a happy camper in the days ahead as most boxes are ticked and you are in a better space family-wise. The Nine of Cups shows emotional happiness with the way things are going and this is a good time for you to express deep gratitude. The Page of Cups indicates new directions and explorations when it comes to work and collaborations in the long run. Money is there and what you earn will only add to the kitty.


It is time to be carefree and go on explorative journeys. Ensure you take adequate care to go places where you are well connected and safe in the conventional sense. The Fool card shows that these journeys could be energising and educative. Taking a companion could be even better. If in a good relationship, then it is all good with harmony. The Two of Cups shows this and you are also financially secure. Ensure you invest and look after the money well.


Financially you are in a good phase. The Queen of Pentacles suggests that you are on track with all things to do with money and you help others who need timely support. As a Queen, you are also in a commanding position. The Nine of Wands shows ambition, passion and drive to make something of yourself. You have the talents and the creativity to do things well. You are supported by an equally strong person in your life.


Guided and supported by a strong male is your succour right now. The King of Cups ensures that you are adequately taken care of in all the key areas. It shows emotional balance and an attitude of confidence and strength. The Six of Wands shows younger lot on a roll when it comes to work. It also shows journeys that fulfill the desire to do better than the best. When it comes to money, you do need to think twice before spending.


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