Tarot: Unlocking divine messages; spiritual significance of angel numbers revealed
Our Tarot reader brings you what the stars have in store for your zodiac signs this week.;
If there are situations and people you need to forgive, this would be a good time to do that as the Judgment card is telling you. It is not about forgetting what has happened but a release for you to move forward. The Page of Wands shows the progress of those around you – loved ones- who are on an explorative spree and finding their feet in this world. There is a lot of warmth and happiness through youngsters in your life right now.
This week ahead is significant for the powerful influences of the male energies in your life. There is clarity, direction and a conclusion for all that you have been waiting for. The King of Swords shows the presence of someone who is protecting you. Sometimes this can be an invisible presence that you feel. Meanwhile, there is some kind of overseas travel indicated regarding work. Just be directed by this strong male energy that will give you confidence and wealth.
The Seven of Swords indicates a sort of wanting to escape from situations that give you inconveniences. And that is something you think about quite often. That said, you are having a good time with friends and companions. The Three of Cups shows celebrations and good times that you are also finding emotionally fulfilling. Any plans or ideas you have in your mind are likely to find an outlet in about three to four months’ time.
Times are changing. You are not being sought after and also being pursued for the kind of work you do. It is therefore time to forge ahead and consolidate all that you have done till now. The Six of Cups also augurs a better time emotionally. The Queen of Swords also indicates that you will have clear directions about how to proceed on ideas and projects. This is also a time for some great change- it will take you to the next level.
Feeling alone in a crowd? The Hermit card shows the propensity to feel alone and somewhat isolated because deep down you feel you don’t belong here. This card also tells you that The Divine is with you and that that is what makes you go through everything. That said, you are on top of things as the Queen of Pentacles suggests. Wealth, money, knowledge and anything to make people sit up and notice you.
You are in partnership with someone who can also make you feel claustrophobic. It's equally good and bad, especially when you need your space. The Devil comes when it pertains to a marriage, a relationship or any binding friendship that has its moments of despair. However, the Nine of Pentacles shows plenty of money, opportunities and good times. There is travel to distant places and this is something you will enjoy too. These trips could turn into work opportunities too.
Everything is a learning experience and you are figuring things out. The High Priestess is teaching you many new things and life lessons which are valuable and important. The Lovers shows a harmonious time with spouse, partner, good friend. And well deserved too because in the pursuit of happiness people forget that small things can make you incredibly happy. When it comes to money, it’s a slightly different story. There is much thought going into your spending habits.
You prefer to stay put and not rock the boat with too many changes. The Six of Swords shows that you are happy to be taken care of and not be too much in the forefront of making important decisions. The Five of Pentacles shows that there is everything you could wish for but you still feel the lack of something. If this continues, then there will indeed be a lack showing up physically. Be assured things are going as per the Divine Plan.
The King of Pentacles shows abundance and wealth flowing to you now. This also shows that what is due to you for a while will now reach you in the right manner. The King is also symbolic of the male support you have in your life. The Four of Wands shows happy family life with all members in a good mood. Make the best of this time. However, changes are always constant and you have something transformational coming up.
The week ahead looks good with a happy family environment, success and money coming in. The Ten of Cups shows emotional balance and satisfaction especially with people close to you while the Ace of Pentacles indicates success and going forward in all endeavors. This is also a time for prosperity and plenty. However, not all of this is going to make you feel like you have it all. There are likely to be moments when you feel isolated and lonesome.
There is plenty of money stowed away for the present and future. And you have worked hard to build this, so you deserve to spend it the way you want. But you do have reservations about it not being enough later. The Hanged Man also shows some complicated situations in your life right now and you are hard pressed to find solutions. Right now, you need to control your emotions and feelings. This will keep you on even ground.
Basically, you are generous and would like to help people out whenever you can, as the Six of Pentacles shows. Monetary support is also something you will do but you must have boundaries because money is energy and giving it away does not serve you well. The Three of Swords tells you to be sure about what you do and especially when people keep making demands on you for financial help. Think with your head and not your heart. A relationship right now feels claustrophobic.