Make your garden look beautiful with these monsoon flowers
The monsoon season is ideal for sitting back and relaxing in your blooming garden's beauty

Rainy-season flowers (Photo/ANI)
NEW DELHI: The monsoon season has finally arrived in India, bringing much-needed relief from the heat. In many parts of the country, the monsoon season creates a breathtaking backdrop of natural beauty. The monsoon season is ideal for sitting back and relaxing in your blooming garden's beauty. So, let's have a look at some of these rainy-season flowers to discover more about their importance and how to care for them during the season.
The dazzling marigold flowers are especially prominent in Indian gardens due to their cultural importance in Hindu culture. They bloom two months after sowing and continue to brighten the garden for three to four months.
Jasmine is a cherished floral plant that thrives throughout India's rainy season. Rain and increased humidity create excellent circumstances for the jasmine plant to grow and produce an abundance of aromatic flowers.
Butterfly pea flower
Throughout the monsoon season, the Aparajita plant, often known as the Butterfly Pea, adds beauty to the landscape. The beautiful blue or white petals of this beautifully flowering shrub are frequently used to produce delicious teas.
Plumeria flower
Plumeria's enticing white-to-cream flowers, with delicate yellow tints at the centres, are sure to grab attention in any garden. These star-shaped blossoms emit a pleasant, enticing floral aroma that is strongest at night and in the early hours of the morning.
Cosmos flower
These monsoon flowers resemble daisies The 5-8 petals on their cup-shaped flower heads attract attention with a rainbow of colours that include white, pink, orange, and purple. Water cosmos flowers on a regular basis, allowing the soil to dry somewhat in between waterings.