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    Tarot: On the cards

    Tarot: On the cards

    Aries (20 MARCH – 20 APRIL)

    The Seven of Wands indicates difficult times and your own goals and desires to achieve the best at work. It also indicates hostile behavior on your part and that of your coworkers. Diffuse this by being in gratitude and in the flow. The Ace of Swords comes to tell you that you have so much clarity and single-minded focus on what you want. Things will go well and you have to enable these energies by being in gratitude and forgiveness.

    Tauras (20 APRIL – 21 MAY)

    If there is some news on the work front you are looking for, then this is likely to come through- for yourself and for those you are invested in. It could be youngsters whose career aspirations you are thinking about. The Knight of Wands indicates this along with long distance travel in the days ahead. The Fool card tells you to be carefree and enjoy what life has to offer. Do explorative trips and go around the world if you will.

    Gemini (21 MAY – 21 JUNE)

    The Ten of Pentacles shows money and abundance. It also means that you will have to keep track of what you are spending on, and whether it is necessary. Money is energy, and it would be wise to use it with care. The Page of Swords shows that youngsters will do well and they will dominate your mind in terms of what they achieve and how it affects you personally. However, it would be better if you have some forbearance in all matters.

    Cancer (21 JUNE – 23 JULY)

    Sometimes relationships can feel like a bondage more than bonds. You could feel claustrophobic and tied down. The Devil Card tells you all this. But essentially, these are also supportive in ways that you cannot but appreciate. The King of Cups shows the presence of a strong male who makes it easier to handle things even if they come across in not so pleasant ways. In about four months’ time, you could be seeing results for things you are waiting for.

    Leo (23 JULY – 23 AUGUST)

    It is a rather harmonious time for those in significant relationships. The Lovers Card shows a peaceful time with this significant other – it does not have to be exciting, but it is at an even keel which is far more important than frenzied relationships. The Justice card shows that most things are going well and in the right manner. All is well with your world, but somehow this can also make you feel a bit isolated and somewhat alone.

    Virgo (23 AUGUST – 23 SEPTEMBER)

    Some big changes are coming in your life and things probably will not be the same as you are used to. This is The Death card that is not just about change, but also about transformation that is needed for growth. It can make you very frustrated and disturbed as the Ten of Swords is showing. Your head could be full of distasteful situations – most of which need not be true- but will make you feel like you are pinned down.

    Libra (23 SEPTEMBER – 23 OCTOBER)

    Life is a learning experience and you are being educated all the time. Meanwhile, you could be learning a new skill that will enhance your core competence. The High Priestess tells you that there is a lot more learning and studying to do to make yourself more skilled. The Three of Cups shows that you are having a good time with family and friends with more of such things to come. A strong male energy will help you sort things out emotionally.

    Scorpio (23 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER)

    Being in two minds about everything could be the predominant feeling right now. The Two of Swords shows this confusion at this time. Ideally just go with your gut and do what your heart tells you. The Nine of Swords shows frustration and over thinking. Ensure you have a good bedtime routine to ensure a good night’s sleep. The more you give the more you get, should be your mantra. Make your donations if you will as much as a secret.

    Sagittarius (22 NOVEMBER – 22 DECEMBER)

    Travel, reaching goals and bringing in new ideas are the prominent things in the days ahead. The Six of Wands shows that you will travel for work and also explore new avenues for expansion and growth. The Ace of Wands shows the trend and also success in most of what you are seeking. The Ace also shows you to be a leader in your work. Meanwhile, the women in our life can be said to be the strength behind all your endeavors.

    Capricorn (22 DECEMBER – 20 JANUARY)

    It is a pleasant week ahead with money, work going well and a bit of travel. The Nine of Pentacles shows you to be in a good space when it comes to fortunes. You have enough for yourself and to help others. This money is very female oriented, so do not underestimate the power of such feminine forces. The Page of Wands shows the career progress of people around you and yourself too. If there are youngsters, this will be more.

    Aquarius (20 JANUARY – 18 FEBRUARY)

    When it comes to money, there is much hesitation and caution to spend. Also you tend to keep your financial matters very close to your heart and not let anyone know how much you really possess. It could be a lot, but you will project it as just about enough. The Four of Pentacles shows this. The King of Wands shows that you are greatly influenced by a male energy who probably guides you and shows you the way.

    Pisces (18 FEBRUARY – 20 MARCH)

    Family wise, this is a happy time when all members are in a state of satisfaction. Especially if there are children, then the times are even better. The Ten of Cups shows an emotionally balanced time for most of those born under this sign. The Four of Swords shows things are in a state of gestation and will start to show results in about four months. Because you are in a state of emotional balance, most things will fall into place.

    Chitra Mahesh
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