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    Tarot: On the cards

    This week are some switchwords that can be used as per the need

    Tarot: On the cards

    Aries (20 MARCH – 20 APRIL)

    For many of you, the desire to do well and be successful are key things when you do your work. This means there is passion and the dedication to do what it takes to make yourself the best in the field. The Queen of Wands is an indication of this and you are therefore on the right track when it comes to career. However, it is important that you don’t multitask that could be at odds with your core competence.

    Tauras (20 APRIL – 21 MAY)

    All is actually well with your world right now. The Nine of Cups shows that most boxes are ticked, and you are in a good head space in terms of fulfillment and life’s goals being met mostly. The Seven of Pentacles indicates a neat pile of monetary benefits out of investments and earning capacity. You will be able to do most things you want to. You are also very supported by a strong male energy that provides you avenues of wealth.

    Gemini (21 MAY – 21 JUNE)

    The Eight of Cups indicates a sense of isolation, and to keep much to yourself. You might want to run away someplace where you will not have to interact with people. However, your world is populated with good things and it will be difficult to leave and go when things are actually good and in place. That is the World card that assures that all is indeed well in your life. There is also a more harmonious relationship with your significant other.

    Cancer (21 JUNE – 23 JULY)

    It feels like however many good ideas you have, there is more of feeling trapped and pinned down than energised as you feel that more things elude you than fall into place. The Ten of Swords shows troubled sleep at nights and worry beyond what you can handle. The mind is restless and that makes you frustrated. However, that is not preventing you from working very hard to make the money you do. The Eight of Pentacles is indicative of that.

    Leo (23 JULY – 23 AUGUST)

    The appearance of The Mood card is the reason for your mood swings, with the ones close to you. This could also mean that your cheerful attitude and the glow you carry with you could wane. There is travel coming up -overseas and also that could add to your work ideas. That is the Two of Wands that shows travel. Meanwhile, in about eight weeks’ time, you could be coming up with some new ideas that will translate well financially and otherwise.

    Virgo (23 AUGUST – 23 SEPTEMBER)

    Now is the time when you feel alone and somewhat isolated – all this despite being in the midst of people. There is a sense of melancholy that pervades your being, and you don’t know what will help to alleviate this feeling. The Hermit is the card that shows this and while you feel alone. You have to recognise the signs. Notice if you see feathers, coins etc around. These are messages from The Divine. Meanwhile things are on the right track.

    Libra (23 SEPTEMBER – 23 OCTOBER)

    If You allow your thoughts to run along wildly, then you are in for a tough time. The Seven of Swords is indicative of this, and you need to keep these under control or at best, change them whenever you feel fear or anxiety about the quality of these thoughts. Think logically, without emotions, and you will fare well. This is indicated by the Three of Swords, which also shows plenty of mind activity. There is travel coming up to distant places.

    Scorpio (23 OCTOBER – 22 NOVEMBER)

    There is money power right now, and you have the freedom to do most things that used to elude you before. The Ten of Pentacles shows money inflow from different directions including family wealth, and inheritance. The Knight of Swords shows that you take things on like they are a battle to be won and sometimes it's productive, and sometimes could be counterproductive to what you are trying to achieve. This also includes those you are perhaps mentoring or invested in.

    Sagittarius (22 NOVEMBER – 22 DECEMBER)

    You have taken the reins of what needs to be done and achieved. This is the predominant mood now, and you are ready to lead and give directions to what needs to be done at this point in time. The King of Swords shows this, and it could also apply to the presence of such a person in your life who helps you make good decisions for the future. However, the Nine of Swords shows too much going on in your head.

    Capricorn (22 DECEMBER – 20 JANUARY)

    The Page of Swords is indicative of the way you work on things. You feel you have to be tough to ensure things are done well, and you are like a leader. This is also admirable to those around you, who feel your energy and strength when it comes to implanting ideas, and all creative things into place. However, there is a part of you that wishes to be free and wander around the world and gain experiences as you move about.

    Aquarius (20 JANUARY – 18 FEBRUARY)

    Heavily burdened with the number of things you have taken on makes you feel drained at times. The Ten of Wands suggests you have probably bitten off more than you can chew, and the predominant feeling is one of fatigue. You are in two minds about most things (Two of Swords) making decisions are stressful, because you are constantly being presented with many options for anything you take up. However, with your faith in The Divine it will all work out.

    Pisces (18 FEBRUARY – 20 MARCH)

    Emotionally, you are in a good space now, and that translates into all the activities you do. The Ace of Cups shows that things are much more in balance than ever before, and you are also feeling the smoothness with which things are falling into place. The Emperor shows the dominance of a strong male energy which is not only productive for you, but also brings you security of purpose and getting work done in the best manner possible.

    Chitra Mahesh
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