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    Tarot: Unlocking divine messages; spiritual significance of angel numbers revealed

    Just set the intention while lighting that all negativity is getting released into the candle. Watch and wait until the candle burns out fully. Try to do it on a Tuesday or Saturday.

    Tarot: Unlocking divine messages; spiritual significance of angel numbers revealed

    CHENNAI: Many believe they are affected by negativity. How does one protect to ensure these energies bounce off and go back to anyone sending them? Here are simple remedies. It is unlikely to harm anyone but ensures you are protected.

    Take a black candle, carve your name and date of birth on it and place it on a plate. Surround the candle with pink salt. Then cut a lemon into four pieces, place it around a plate and light the candle. Just set the intention while lighting that all negativity is getting released into the candle. Watch and wait until the candle burns out fully. Try to do it on a Tuesday or Saturday.

    Bathe in lime juice every day for 48 days. Collect the ashes of an agarbatti/dhoop, mix an equal proportion of rock salt and keep it. Every day when you come from outside, rotate some of it on your head and flush it.

    Add some rock salt once a week in your floor-mopping water.

    ARIES (20 MARCH - 20 APRIL)

    It is a good week ahead, especially for women. The highlights are abundance, additions to the family and being on top of things. The Queen of Pentacles shows that you are in charge of the resources available, especially money and the Nine of Pentacles only endorses this aspect of your life. You will be in command. Any plans that you have in your head will fructify in about four months. Till then, planning and paving the way for things to show up.

    TAURUS (20 APRIL - 21 MAY)

    A happy family environment is indicated for most of you born under this sign. It is a happy time when all are on the same page without conflicts and similar goals for a happy life. This is the Ten of Cups that also shows a great degree of emotional security. The Page of Cups indicates new beginnings for some youngsters you are invested in. This is a bright time for children and young people. Additions to the family are possible. And there is fame and recognition.

    GEMINI (21 MAY - 21 JUNE)

    Peace is indicated on the home front. There is harmony, joint wishes and goals for all those with you. This is the Four of Wands that also shows a clear and precise desire to do good work. Yet the mind does not remain calm and there are sleepless nights thanks to overthinking and troubled thoughts. This is indicated by the Nine of Swords. Paradoxically you are also in command of most things, even money and other resources.

    CANCER (21 JUNE - 23 JULY)

    Thanks to the support of a strong male energy you are being guided and given valuable inputs when it comes to work. The King of Wands indicates this and also that you are protected because of this presence. The Nine of Cups shows plenty of good things in your personal life with family being supportive. And you can feel secure that they have your back. Chances for a new project or venture to take shape and will show signs of coming into being this month.

    LEO (23 JULY - 23 AUGUST)

    There is poverty in plenty in your head. The Five of Pentacles shows concentration on the lack of things instead of all the wonderful things. You only need to see the good things to eliminate any feelings of lack. Ideas and projects will take shape in a few months and you will be helped by the best in the field that you are associated with. This is the Three of Pentacles that is telling you this. Right now, all is well with your world.


    Gratitude is the most powerful force to manifest what you want. The Judgment card shows that all actions are being watched and noted. It depends on what your intentions are for what you do. It is time for great self-introspection. That said, the Star card will bring you attention, the limelight and the spotlight on what you do. This can be a double-edged sword, so watch out for the envious ones. Here is where you will need to be calm.


    For many of you, there are new beginnings. The start of a new life from what you are used to. The Page of Pentacles shows new directions and work situations that will not only bring money but also a good quality of life. The World card endorses this. If things were down, then it’s now on the upswing. By February next year, you will be on top of things especially when it comes to abundance in all areas.


    The isolation you feel sometimes can be overwhelming. You could be surrounded by people but feel alienated. This is The Hermit card that shows how you look for what is not there instead of seeing how the divine also walks by your side. The Two of Cups shows a reasonable and comforting relationship with your significant other. Big changes are coming up for you and you need to be prepared for new things.


    The Ace of Cups has a great degree of emotional satisfaction in general. It also shows how you have risen above troubled waters and come to some kind of peace and acceptance of what is there in your life. You will become better. Family life, especially if married, is going fine. Both do not want to rock the boat and are willing to keep things going in this fashion. The Six of Swords shows this. If you are a woman you are comfortable with the steady.


    Travel is on the anvil in the days ahead. The Knight of Pentacles shows distances covered when it comes to directions not taken before. There is money in the new ventures that you are thinking of. The Magician shows that you can do just about anything you put your mind to. There is power in your words and actions. And life is going in the right direction and you undertake productive journeys in ways you cannot even imagine.


    You will be going on journeys regarding work and with those who are much younger than you. The Six of Wands shows an ambitious and creative mind that will constantly find ways to do things. The Eight of Wands further endorses this mindset as you are talented and can do many things simultaneously. But this can also be like a double-edged sword, where it can be draining and stressful. Take things one by one. There is no need to worry about finances because you have plenty.


    The Five of Swords shows a mindset that would like to fight for rights and just about anything. This can be unproductive when it comes to dealing with people and their opinions. Quelling different points of view usually brings about too much hostility. The Ace of Pentacles shows success, money and abundance. There are many new avenues you can explore for growth. Whatever plans and ideas you have in your mind will show up in about three to four months.

    Chitra Mahesh
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