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    Tarot: Unlocking divine messages; spiritual significance of angel numbers revealed

    This week, you are given some useful codes for money and protecting yourself from negative energies. They are easy to do and, if done with faith, can bring the results you seek.

    Tarot: Unlocking divine messages; spiritual significance of angel numbers revealed

    ARIES (20 MARCH - 20 APRIL)

    There is travel coming up for most of you. And it could be overseas- so ensure all documents are in place. The Three of Wands shows this and this could be an explorative journey where you will discover new ways of doing things in the work areas. The Page of Pentacles indicates the involvement of youngsters in projects. This will also be financially viable. If a woman, time is good when it comes to having control over money and other matters. You will come across as a nurturing person.

    TAURUS (20 APRIL- 21 MAY)

    The week ahead is something you need to deal with strength and fortitude. The Queen of Cups shows a heightened emotional time, where you will tend to feel overwhelmed and unhappy with things around you. This is an illusion. If you can detach from everything emotionally you can handle it well. The Strength card also tells the same. Keep your feelings to yourself since they keep changing. Keep a grip on your mind that could make you feel like a victim. Ambitions are on the upswing.

    GEMINI (21 MAY- 21 JUNE)

    The Justice card comes to tell you that everything that is happening in your life is good. It might not feel like that but that is the truth. If not in your control just let things go. The Six of Pentacles shows you to be in a charitable frame of mind and you do great good for many who need it. Give without thinking you are giving. You also keep things under control when it comes to spending, and know the difference between need and desire.

    CANCER (21 JUNE - 23 JULY)

    There is brightness and sunshine in your life in the days ahead. And this can come about through family sources. These could be the young ones who provide much joy and positivity. The Sun card indicates all this, while the Page of Cups shows the role of enterprising people, who make your work dynamic. The Page knows how to get things done to the best outcomes. Keep your expectations under check.

    LEO (23 JULY- 23 AUGUST)

    This feeling of being alone in a crowd is something you are dealing with on most occasions. The Five of Cups shows solitude, loneliness and a feeling of being around scarcity. Yet, there are so many good things in your life to feel good about. The Two of Pentacles shows indecision in spending and most things to do with money. It is because of a desire not to waste this resource. You feel there are many battles to be won or dealt with.


    Happy family gatherings are there for you in the coming days. It is much about festivities and where children and adults spend time together. That is the Ten of Cups indicating that. The Ace of Swords also shows a clear idea of goals and targets. It also indicates success, the kind that will make you feel validated and supreme. This is a good time for you in many ways. The world is in your favour, so make the best of this good time.


    At this point, you are at odds with your work situation. The Seven of Wands indicates a clash of interests. While you are talented and creative, there is only one thing you can do and pursue. Multitasking does not seem to be for you and focus on your core competence. Death card shows changes and transformations. It will take some time to get used to the new circumstances. The relationship with the significant other is good but can be claustrophobic at times.


    The Queen of Wands suggests command over your work and the direction it is taking. You are like a leader now and whatever you do, others are likely to follow. But also guard against ill will as most successful people seem to have that too. The Ten of Wands shows an overload of work and events to handle. While it is exciting and fulfilling, it is also draining if you don’t take care of yourself by eating and drinking right.


    The week ahead is about pleasing important people in your life. It also means it is a time to relax and give more of yourself to those who could be lonely and not have much to look forward to. The Six of Cups shows that you will make their hearts swell with just a bit of affection. The Page of Swords shows renewed plans for the future that are well thought out and remarkable in the clarity with which they are being done.


    Whatever is happening now in your life is going the right way. There is justice and correctness even if you may feel otherwise. Doing the right thing pays off in the long run. The Four of Wands shows a happy home life and with all the members being on the same page. When it comes to needs and other collective action. It could also mean you could be buying some property or land that will add to your wealth.


    It would take about three months to get what you are planning in your head. The plans are good, but it is not going to fructify in the time frame you are thinking. The Three of Pentacles shows that there could be some building activity or renovation or buying or selling of property going through your mind. And this will yield much money as the Seven of Pentacles is showing. You already have enough to keep you going for a long time.


    Dealing with everyday life chores feels like a big battle and you do that with extra aggression that could make others feel angry and hostile towards you. Tone down a bit to ensure everything is done smoothly. That is the Five of Swords that tells you this. However, the Queen of Pentacles shows that you are in command in most situations, especially with money power in your hands. But it is also necessary to keep your wits about you and also your temper.

    Chitra Mahesh
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