DT Health: Understanding and preventing gynaecological cancers
To reduce the risk of developing these cancers, early gynae check-ups with detailed pelvic examination are recommended which includes taking a PAP examination
CHENNAI: Gynaecological cancers encompass the cancers of the reproductive tract of women, which includes cancers of the cervix, ovary, uterus, vagina and vulva, of which the cancers of the cervix and ovary are the most common in females. These cancers usually affect the females from age group of 16-64 years. The cervical and ovarian cancers are the most common of all.
The gynaecological cancers can be inherited or acquired. The personal / family history (especially mother or sister) of cancer, especially breast, ovarian or colon cancer, certain genes like BRCA mutation, and advancing age are certain factors which cannot be changed.
Dr Monika Meena, Gynae Oncologist and Robotic Surgeon, Apollo Cancer Centre says that genetic testing and counselling may help in detecting at-risk persons and ensure timely treatment in the prone females. Other risk factors which can be prevented/treated include health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), HIV infection/AIDS, prolonged hormonal therapy, HPV infection, obesity or excess weight, and smoking.
She added that symptoms like abnormal vaginal discharge or bleeding, burning or itching in the outer genital area, changes in skin colour, rash, sores, pain in the stomach, nausea, bloating etc are a few tell-tale signs and symptoms of gynae cancer.
To reduce the risk of developing these cancers, early gynae check-ups with detailed pelvic examination are recommended which includes taking a PAP examination. Doctors say that a PAP exam detects abnormal cells which may turn cancerous for developing cervical cancer. HPV vaccination offers protection against the high-risk forms of HPV, and thus subsequent associated cancers.
A healthy lifestyle like a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate physical activity daily and taking healthy diet with vegetables, fruits, whole grains, peas, and beans helps lower the risk of many diseases and cancers. Safe sexual practices are advisable.
Gynaecological cancers can be prevented or detected early. Contact your gynaecologist at the earliest if you have these symptoms, to detect the cancer early. Early diagnosis and tests will aid in making you cancer-free.