CCTV cameras to be installed in Choolaimedu parks
All the parks in Choolaimedu will soon have CCTV cameras. This will reduce harassment cases and other notorious activities.

A park in Choolaimedu
CHENNAI: While the Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC) has been taking a lot of efforts in the upkeep of parks in the city, some neighbourhoods seem to have fallen through the cracks.
One of them is Choolaimedu, where parks are in a state of disrepair due to lack of maintenance by the Corporation, lament residents.
Praveen Kumar (40), a resident, said that the GCC had begun maintenance work in the Gill Nagar park four months ago. “They have not been able to finish it till now. This has reduced our accessibility to the park,” he said. “Toilets have also been installed by the authorities yet people urinate outside the park.”
Another resident, N Shakthivel (36), father of a seven-year-old girl, said that the garbage bins placed at the entry gate stinks throughout the day. “I don’t want my daughter falling sick by playing here; she’s better off at home,” he stated.
Additionally, more residents have raised concerns over unauthorised parking near the Gill Nagar Park. With the northeast monsoon around the corner, they’re also anxious about waterlogging.
Another park on 6th Cross Street in Trustpuram, located barely 1 km away from Gill Nagar park, is facing a similar situation.
Vineet Joshua (29), a resident, said, “Authorities changed the see-saw and replaced a few swings a month ago. But nobody uses them, as miscreants use the park with liquor bottles. Harassing women has become rampant. Young girls, therefore, are not sent to play here.”
S Shekhar, another resident, pointed out that the problem worsens at night. “It becomes more a place for nefarious activities than a spot of recreation. Men come in here to smoke and drink in the open. Despite several complaints to the authorities, no response has been taken,” he rued.
However, GCC assistant engineer Palaniswami said that the responsibility for maintenance has been given to a contractor. “Works are going on well. Trees are being pruned and broken water-pipes replaced. We’re also trying to remove overflowing dustbins,” he said.
“All the parks in Choolaimedu will soon have CCTV cameras. This will reduce harassment cases and other notorious activities.