Commuters demand escalator on GST Road to be made functional
While calling the officials they do say that the construction materials are not available and other excuses

Escalator located at the foot over Bridge
CHENNAI: The commuters travelling through the GST Road at Tambaram Sanitorium urges the need to repair the escalator located at the foot over Bridge that is non-functional for more than five months.
GST road is one of the busiest roads in Chennai and the only way to cross the road is through the FOB.
Tambaram Sanitorium bus terminus is located on the opposite side of the escalator. Especially during the festive season there are special buses being operated and an increase in the number of passengers. They find it difficult to climb up with the luggages.
"When we raise complaints regarding the issue the officials repair the same and back again it will be in this condition, we want a permanent solution and not a temporary one. There is a consumer court, taluk office, civil supplies office and hospitals nearby so the employees and the people utilizing these services make use of this FOB," said P Viswanathan, a local resident.
While calling the officials they do say that the construction materials are not available and other excuses.
"There are no other pedestrian crosswalks for the passengers to reach the other side of the road. It is very difficult for aged people like us to climb the stairs to reach the opposite side." said S Chandrasekaran, Secretary, Chitlapakkam Anna Nagar residents welfare association.
When contacted a local official attached to the state highways admitted that the escalator had issues. There is a some issues with internal sparepart and will be replaced shortly, the official said.