Exploring coolest side of science with captivating experiments
Gokul M and Seyadu Umar Raja, two science geeks met during their undergraduate days and went on to start ‘Promethions’, an online physics community

Gokul during his science sessions
CHENNAI: After one of Gokul’s science shows at the Chengalpattu Government School, came an exhilarated boy asking him, “Anna, ungala maari aaganumna naan enna padikkanum?” (What should I study to become like you?).
“This has happened several times. Whenever we go to schools or some places to teach, kids take inspiration from us and ask us many questions. This might be a small change, but the need of the hour in the world of science,” Gokul states.
Gokul M and Seyadu Umar Raja, two science geeks met during their undergraduate days, pursuing their Bachelor of Science in Physics from Loyola. Both went on to start ‘Promethions’, an online physics community created to help students learn physics and to inspire them to think beyond what is taught in their academics.
Seyadu Umar Raja and Gokul
“I have loved science since my childhood. I think it’s because I had the freedom to ask questions. So it started there. Right after my final board exams at school, was when the pandemic hit. Exploring many YouTubers emerging during the lockdown, I decided to make one, but on science,which people liked” he explains.
Gokul’s explore feed on Instagram showed him a reel from ‘Infinite Engineers’, an Edu-tech company, now called ‘IE Skool’, which changed his course of interest.
“I called them up for a collaboration and ended up doing an internship there as a science video host and content creator. I continued my internship for three years, where I learned a lot about education and teaching. As core subjects, Science is often boring in books. I love science because I was always able to connect what I learn in books to real life,” adds Gokul.
Gokul and Seyadu, both being college students, established their community of like-minded people to experience real physics with their pocket money. With their shared goal to nurture the next generation of physicists and create a platform for students to understand the complexities of this subject, Promethions started online discussions, where they would present their science topics through real-life acts, comical elements and movies.
“One of the most intriguing elements of our work is our science birthday parties. We blend the excitement of science experiments with the happiness of birthdays for kids, making their special day meaningful,” he highlights.
Subzero Science Show, an upcoming science filled dynamic and interactive show will explore the magical world of extreme cold with a series of captivating experiments.
“SubZero means temperature below 0°C. What we are interested in is the low temperature and the pressure that we are going to create with it. For this, we will use liquid nitrogen (-195.5 °C) and dry ice (-78.5°C). We can do wonders if we can rapidly change their temperature or close them in a container. That is what we are going to demonstrate in the show in a fun and interesting way,” Gokul explains.
Subzero Science Show will take place on November 18, from 2:30 pm at Medai-The Stage, at Alwarpet.
“The show is open to everybody who wants to learn the art of science in a fun-filled way. Our major focus, however, is on students,” Gokul adds.