Unmasking the ingredients in your kid’s cereal
Acrylamide, a potentially carcinogenic (cancer-causing) compound, is formed during the cooking process of certain foods, especially those high in starch, like cereals

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CHENNAI: Morning rituals and healthy breakfasts together form a tradition we pass down to our kids. But here is the twist: those seemingly virtuous cereals might contain ingredients with damaging effects that you might not be aware of. Could your child’s apparent healthy morning bowl be hiding cancer-causing ingredients?
Acrylamide: A hidden threat
Acrylamide, a potentially carcinogenic (cancer-causing) compound, is formed during the cooking process of certain foods, especially those high in starch, like cereals. This underscores the importance of understanding how our food is processed and choosing products that minimize exposure to such compounds.
The sugar dilemma: A sweet conundrum
One of the primary concerns associated with kids’ cereals is the high level of added sugars. Studies suggest a possible link between excessive sugar consumption and an elevated risk of certain cancers. Refined sugars contribute to inflammation and insulin resistance, creating an environment conducive to cancer cell development.
Artificial colours and flavours: A potential culprit
Artificial colours and flavours, commonly found in children’s cereals, have raised questions about their safety. Some studies hint at a potential connection between certain artificial colours and an increased risk of cancer.
Empowering parents: Making informed choices
While the link between kids’ cereals and cancer is not conclusively proven, parents can empower themselves by making informed choices. Opting for cereals with minimal added sugars, natural ingredients, and no artificial additives, as well as being mindful of GMOs and pesticides, can contribute to a healthier diet for children.