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    5,700 TN govt school teachers aged over 50 to undergo master health check-up in March

    150 teachers from each district will benefit from the scheme. Each district has been allotted Rs 1.50 lakh for the execution of the scheme

    5,700 TN govt school teachers aged over 50 to undergo master health check-up in March

    Representative Image 

    CHENNAI: The School Education Department has planned to conduct a master health check-up in March for 5,700 teachers above 50 years in the State.

    150 teachers from each district will benefit from the scheme. Each district has been allotted Rs 1.50 lakh for the execution of the scheme. The State government has earmarked 57 lakhs for the scheme.

    With this, the State government is implementing its promises made in March 2023. The government then said that it would distribute tabs to teachers apart from extending a full body health check-up.

    The master health check-up for the teachers will be done once in three years in a phased manner.

    As per the education department’s circular, 35,600 teachers above 50 years had undergone the check-up in the 2024-25 academic year. In the second phase, the scheme is being implemented to 5,700 teachers in the State. The schemes are applicable for teachers only in government schools and not for those working in government-aided schools.

    Each District Education Officer (primary) has been directed to submit the teachers’ list by February 28 and the same will be reviewed by the Chief Education Officer (CEO) before March 7.

    "Upon reviewing, the list of teachers selected for the master health check-up must be submitted to the district-level health officer to schedule the master check-up," read the circular issued by the department.

    Under the Rs 1,000 gold scheme master check-up, teachers will undergo tests like haemogram, diabetes, blood pressure, urine analysis, lipid profiles, chest x-ray, liver function test, ECG, blood grouping and typing, cholesterol and serum bilirubin, among a few others.

    However, it is still not clear whether the master check-up will be done by a third-party private hospital or at a government facility.

    Meanwhile, through the Tamil Nadu Text Book and Educational Service Corporation (TNTB&ESC), tabs have already been given to secondary grade teachers (SGTs) across the State.

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