Centenarian Nallakannu to kickstart CPI's 100th anniv fest on Dec 26
CPI state secretary R Mutharasan said that to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the party foundation, the party flag will be hoisted in over 10,000 places across the State

CHENNAI: The CPI State unit will commemorate the party's centenary anniversary on Thursday with veteran leader R Nallakannu, who turns 100 on the same day, hoisting the party flag at its headquarters.
In a statement, CPI state secretary R Mutharasan said that to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the party foundation, the party flag will be hoisted in over 10,000 places across the State.
He said that the CPI was founded on December 26, 1925, by the country's ardent freedom fighters. "The party's founding conference was held on December 25 and 26, 1925, in Kanpur, the present-day Uttar Pradesh, under the leadership of South India's first communist leader and thinker Comrade MV Singaravelar," he said.
Mutharasan said that party office bearers, sitting and former MLAs, MPs, and local body representatives will participate in the events. "Various programmes are going to be held, including essay competitions, sports competitions, drawing competitions for women, and a felicitation ceremony for couples who have married across caste and religion," he said.
Mutharasan appealed to the public to take part in the celebrations.