Sithanatham VAO held for accepting Rs 1,000 bribe from agriculture worker
Vaiyapuri approached the Sithanatham VAO Siva Selvakumar (41) and asked about the status. However, Selvakumar demanded a bribe of Rs 2,000 to process his application.

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TIRUCHY: DVAC sleuths from Tiruchy arrested a VAO for accepting a bribe of Rs 1,000 from an agricultural coolie for transfer of patta on Tuesday. According to DVAC, C Vaiyapuri (51), an agricultural worker from Sithanatham village near Manapparai bought 1,200 sq ft housing site for his sister Gandhimathi at Chettichathiram village and wanted to transfer the name of the patta to his sister through online.
Subsequently, on February 21, Vaiyapuri approached the Sithanatham VAO Siva Selvakumar (41) and asked about the status. However, Selvakumar demanded a bribe of Rs 2,000 to process his application.
Vaiyapuri who could not afford the amount, bargained with VAO who later asked Rs 1,000. But Vaiyapuri, who did not want to give bribes, approached the DVAC, Tiruchy and lodged a complaint on March 1. Based on the complaint, the DVAC DSP Manikandan registered a case and on Tuesday caught Siva Selvakumar red handed while accepting the bribe from Vaiyapuri. Subsequently, he was arrested and later lodged in prison.