Smart meters project: TNPDCL re-invites fresh tenders
The utility has invited tenders under six packages to install 3.04 crore smart meters, including 2.50 crore single-phase meters, 49.47 lakh three-phase meters, 14,117 HT consumers, and 4.72 lakh distribution transformers in the state.

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CHENNAI: After cancelling the tenders for the procurement of smart meters citing the high cost quoted by service providers, Tamil Nadu Power Distribution Corporation Limited has re-invited bids for the appointment of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) service providers. The smart system metering falls under the Centre-funded Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS).
For the third time, the utility has invited tenders under six packages to install 3.04 crore smart meters, including 2.50 crore single-phase meters, 49.47 lakh three-phase meters, 14,117 HT consumers, and 4.72 lakh distribution transformers in the state. According to the new bids, each package will cover two distribution regions, covering all 12 regions.
The six packages include smart meters for all low- and High-Tension consumers except agriculture, huts, and LTCT consumers in the LT category and distribution transformers.
TNPDCL had cancelled the previous tender citing the high cost quoted by Adani Energy Solutions Ltd (AESL), which emerged as the lowest bidder in one of the four packages. The other three were cancelled citing administrative reasons.
Under the DBFOOT basis, the Advanced Metering Infrastructure Service Provider would install smart meters at the consumer premises in 27 months after the contract is awarded, and also maintain and operate the metering infrastructure for 93 months. TNPDCL would repay the cost of the project on a per meter/month rental basis for 10 years.
Tangedco had planned to implement monthly billing for LT consumers, including domestic customers, who pay their bills bi-monthly after the installation of the smart meters. Even as the Union government insists on introducing pre-paid smart meters, Tangedco wants to implement the post-paid meter system because consumers fear that subsidised electricity will be denied.