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Spiritual condition bestowed is finer than fragrance of rose

Last week, we dwelled on happiness, citing the examples of great masters. In this concluding piece, I would like to draw your attention to an example shared by Master Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari who said grace attracts grace.

Spiritual condition bestowed is finer than fragrance of rose


What if you put it negatively? If you are sad and you are not attracted to such a state of grace, you repel it. Something that is coming as a gift, as a blessing – in such a state of sadness, you are repelling it. In another message, he said that the doubly-locked heart cannot receive us. We all have reasons, maybe genuine reasons or not so genuine reasons, but we tend to close ourselves at times. The main reasons I see are resentment, anger, jealousy. Anger is the worst of the lot. Even enjoying some movie, if somebody disturbs us, we become angry, and later you are not able to enjoy the movie. Our spiritual condition – when we are trying to remain absorbed in that, trying to maintain and expand on it, what happens when we get angry? Even before we express our anger, the condition disappears. However hard you may meditate afterwards, it will not come back. It has gone.

Babuji Maharaj (Shri Ram Chandra, Shahjahanpur) used to say, “The spiritual condition that we enjoy is lighter or finer than the fragrance of a rose.” It is so subtle; and a subtler thing gets destroyed just like that – just by thoughts, by ideas, by moods. So, not only to receive do I have to be joyful, but to maintain also I have to be joyful. I have to remain joyful even when it comes to distributing. It is not just the role of the prefects (HFN trainers) to distribute such invaluable experiences that we earn, or are given through our meditation.

I will give you one very small example that we all have felt in our day-to-day life. In the early days, when I was a student and when I started meditation after 1976 especially, after morning meditation I would go to college to the professor’s office, sitting beside other friends facing him. He watched all of us, and would say, “Kamlesh, what has happened to you today? Why are you so peaceful or calm?” “Nothing, Sir, I just meditated and came.”

Our presence radiates our condition without our knowledge. It is ‘effortless’, that means I don’t have to think that ‘let this go everywhere’. We don’t have to think that way. Master often gives the example of the sun shining. It does not say, “I will only give my radiation to India, Iran or America.” It just happens. Whoever is exposed will receive it. He also gives the example of the rose again and again. The rose does not decide I will send out my fragrance only for so-and-so. So is joy – joy is contagious. Sadness also is contagious, but works in a very different way.

Another idea also comes to my mind. People say God is love. I am not such a wise person to analyse this, but I prefer to say ‘love is God’. You cannot belittle the value of love, because it is love that makes me understand God. This universe, my brothers and sisters, everything in life is understandable only because of love. But if I bring God into the picture, I am confined within certain… maybe he is beyond that… greater than love. Maybe He is bigger than love, I don’t know. But having known what love is, I think I am much better that way. Inadvertently, if I think of God as a Hindu, or as a Jew, or as a Christian, or as a Muslim, I bring in a lot of limitations based on my past. But when I bring in this aspect or principle of love in my spiritual life, it solves all the problems.

Kamlesh D Patel is the fourth spiritual Guide in the Sahaj Marg system of Raja Yoga meditation. He is a role model for students of spirituality who seek that perfect blend of eastern heart and western mind. He travels extensively and is at home with people from all backgrounds and walks of life, giving special attention to the youth of today.

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