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Suicide or homicide?

Muthukrishnan’s sudden death on Monday has opened a can of worms, with allegations of discrimination on caste grounds rearing its head, as it did after the death of Rohith Vemula in Hyderabad.

Suicide or homicide?

New Delhi

Delhi Police is yet to figure out the reason for the suspected suicide of a Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) student who was found hanging from the ceiling fan in his friend’s room, the police said on Tuesday.

No suicide note was found from the spot, it said. Muthukrishnan J., a resident of Jhelum Hostel, was found hanging from the ceiling fan in a room in Munirka Vihar,  near the university on Monday evening.

“A team of Central Forensic Science Laboratory (CFSL) is probing the case and a thorough probe is on. The police are also reexamining the sequence of events and Call Details Records (CDR) and chat records of the deceased. A team of CFSL with other senior officers would again visit the flat,” Deputy Commissioner of Police (South) Ishwar Singh said. 

The police also claimed that so far they have not found any evidence indicating foul play and said that CFSL examination reports will help  them ascertain if it is a suicide or homicide. 

Muthukrishnan had reportedly gone to have food at his friend’s house and had locked himself in the room afterward on the pretext of sleeping. Speculation is rife about the possible reason for his suicide, with many pronouncing it as a step taken after his going into depression over caste discrimination. In a post on his Facebook page, he is said to have expressed his disaffection denial of equality and non-implementation of recommendations of the Thorat committee.“When equality is denied everything is denied. There is no equality in M.Phil. or Ph.D. admission, there is no equality in viva-voce, there is only denial of equality,” reads the post. 

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